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Notes of Jan 16

I’d like to thank everyone who came out, and those who let me know they were not able to attend but wanted to.

One of the topics raised was from another Candidate for a ‘right to banking’.  We have all seen in the news people being denied access to a bank account for wrong-thinking.  Given you cannot have a cellphone, mortgage, or pay rent without a bank account this is a big problem.  
Everyone attending agreed if you can pay the account fees Banks should not be allowed to deny/close your account.

We talked about and agreed that a 2 tier healthcare system would probably help with wait times.

We talked about the current economy and current experiences.

We discussed a member’s issue about Bill C-47 and the fight to repeal sections of the Bill.
C-47 is Budget Bill that had expanded powers of Health Canada over the Natural Health product industry.

The next meetup will be March 19th, 2024 (click here).   These particular meetup and feedback sessions are more “town-hall” style  where it is easy to be heard in a quieter setting.

Lastly I outlined the party/campaign donation that has a special Thank You attached to it. This would start when the Mississauga/Brampton riding association accounts are available to accept donations and I get the referral link. For details of what it is, click here for